Donation |
EFFECTIVE DATE : May 22, 2011
Area00 relies on donations by its players to pay its fees. With your help, we can continue to provide Area00 and keep it free to play. A donation of just $10 or $19 will prove immensely helpful towards enabling me to keep Area00 online. - Niels Hillebrand, A00 Studios. Donate money and be rewarded. Permanent Bonus for your donation
1. Receive the special aircraft ticket
To become Area00 Donor, click here 2. Receive CreditsThe credit reward is no longer available. (effective 28 April 2008) 3. Change Your CallsignCallsign change is no longer available. (effective 28 April 2008) You can make payments via PayPal only. You can use most credit/debit cards or your PayPal account. Signing up for a PayPal account is free, in many countries you can use it to send money from your bank account directly or via your PayPal balance if you do not own any suitable credit/debit cards. For more information, goto PayPal. After we have received your donation (and the payment has been cleared), it can take up to a week before you receive your reward. If you have not received the reward after one week, send an e-mail to niels@area00.com with your information. Please read these important conditions & notes first!
INCLUDE YOUR ACCOUNT ID / LOGIN NAME IN THE PAYMENT NOTES Or e-mail niels@area00.com. To make payments using your PayPal account or using a credit/debit card, click one of buttons below please.
At the moment, we are not accepting donations by bank transfer.
Singapore credit card donation Using the credit card donation page you may receive an error that you are not allowed to send donations to a non-registered charity. Please create a PayPal account and add your credit card there first. Then you can send the donation amount from your PayPal account instead of using the form.
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